The CloudFlyt Experience

CloudFlyt allows you to practice aviation training missions in the comfort and convenience of your own home. Literally fly in the clouds from the cloud.

Take a look below to see how easy it is to set up, sign up and begin flying scenario-based training missions from your couch. Why would you want to watch re-runs on TV when you could be flying an instrument approach to minimums in moderate turbulence?

Simple, off-the-shelf hardware

You likely already have the most key piece of hardware - a flat-screen TV. To use CloudFlyt from your home, you will need a fast Internet connection, an Nvidia Shield (Android TV media streamer), and a CH Products Sim Yoke and Pro Pedals. You plug these into the Shield and the TV and sign into your CloudFlyrs Club account, then you can select an Aviation Mission and go flying.

Intuitive flight

CloudFlyt hardware was choosen to make it easy for you to start and focus on flying, not on keyboards and mice. Our proprietary technology allows you to access all essential controls in the cockpit, run checklists, and fly missions with intuitive on-screen indicators, driven by the buttons on the yoke.

Fly various
training missions

Flying the training missions is straightforward, with mission briefings and flight control calibration. The instruction is guided, but it's up to you to fly the mission successfully with plenty of opportunity to practice independently as you wish. You're Pilot In Command!

The CloudFlyt Experience

CloudFlyt is designed to be fast and easy to set up. It starts with your flat-screen TV. You connect the Nvidia Shield, and a CH Products Sim Yoke and Pro Pedals. Then connect to your broadband WiFi and log into your CloudFlyt account. Next you choose a training mission and you're flying in the cloud!!


see how you can use cloudflyt